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With the importance that the financial manager has within a company, ideally it is present from the beginning ,
to define the actions that will generate one growth more
efficient . When this is not an alternative, the advice of José Manuel
García López, specialist in organizational behavior and professor at the
Universidad del Istmo, in Mexico, is to pay attention to the signs of
the work routine to know when is the right time to hire an executive
responsible for the sector.
The main signal comes when the business
manager does not have enough time to pay the necessary attention to
their specific functions. Finally, taking care of finances requires time and dedication and the costs of an erroneous management sooner or later have an impact on the results.
The CFO is a person with great responsibility in the corporate bosom . All
decisions regarding investment or financing needs go through his office
and he plays a relevant role on the Board of Directors. Naturally,
they must be trained , since they must carry out their own tasks of analysis, control, management, strategy, negotiations, etc.
We are going to review some of the most common functions that a CFO performs and, based on them, we will analyze the skills required to know what to study:
Good to see progress like this ))