Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Chrome Extension

Nice to see out Chrome Extension is live, we have been developing a number of Android based features to enhance our users experiences

FD Capital Recruitment allows you to search for senior finance jobs in the UK, using our job site search tool Chrome Extension.

We specialise in the recruitment of Finance Directors (FD’s) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO’s) both on a Part-Time and Full time basis. We have a team of niche specialists available including E-Commerce, Turnaround and non-executive Finance Directors, opportunities are constantly arising so please visit our jobs board regularly.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

The Finance Directors Blog

It's great to see that our new look blog is really getting the attention from visitors that it deserves, we really had gotten attached to the old look and feel and some of its feature will be missed, but we are open minded and prepared to watch and wait and see how this new version works out.

You can find the blog here

and the archive has been replace with a pagination from the home page, its effective but not as attractive as the one on all posts we had before

We have to admit the layout is better and more professional in thie iteration so its a good step forward and we can revisit our missing features with the development team at a later date. 

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Pdf sharing sites

Nice to see our free guide getting around the web.

 Hiring an FD or CFO means that you can have a dedicated person on your team to deal with the financial side of your business. Not everyone who starts a business comes f rom within the industry or has the knowledge to do things like forecasting or troubleshooting. With an FD, you get to take advantage of their skills and experience to get your business back on track or smash your growth goals.The role of FD or CFO is as much about strategy and planning as it is about monitoring the company’s cash flow. For any company to implement a new strategy, you need to have someone on your team with the specialist skills and knowledge to access your current systems and implement alternatives.

It now appears on





I am not sure how much benefit these places actually are, but its some extra free exposure so any publicity is good publicity as they say.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Amazon always comes out on top

 Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in July 1994. He chose Seattle because of technical talent as Microsoft is located there.[32] In May 1997, Amazon went public. It began selling music and videos in 1998, at which time it began operations internationally by acquiring online sellers of books in United Kingdom and Germany. The following year, Amazon began selling items including video games, consumer electronics, home improvement items, software, games, and toys.

Amazon USAAmazon UK,   Amazon Germany,   Amazon Australia

In 2002, Amazon launched Amazon Web Services (AWS), which provided data on website popularity, Internet traffic patterns and other statistics for marketers and developers. In 2006, Amazon grew its AWS portfolio when Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which rents computer processing power as well as Simple Storage Service (S3), that rents data storage via the Internet, were made available. That same year, Amazon started Fulfillment by Amazon which managed the inventory of individuals and small companies selling their belongings through the company internet site


Google and Search

    Google's dominance in the search engine market is a multifaceted phenomenon that stems from its pioneering technology, strategic bus...